Have you had this experience?

The experience section of your profile is the most like a resume or CV. The goal is to match in searches.

To match in more searches, use vendor names, equipment models, software titles, business processes, management theories, etc. Add anything which might be searched for on LinkedIn.

Use terms relevant to you, such as RAN Tower OSP NOC OMC NMC Core EPC Linux fiber mmWave. Use of acronyms is OTT in Telecoms, so there is no way for me to list them all.

Don’t bother listing your responsibilities, those can be guessed from your job title. Instead, list your contributions.

Write what you did, how you helped, what you accomplished, projects you completed. Try to anticipate the question “what impact did you have?” Write about what you did.

If can quantify the contributions, even better.

Leave me a comment about your experience.

I’ve written a book to help Telecom Pros have a better LinkedIn Profile. It’s called Create An Awesome LinkedIn Profile. Click the link to download a free chapter.

Create An Awesome LinkedIn Profile

👉 Follow me on LinkedIn, Russell Lundberg, for more updates, insights, tips, tricks, and tactics to love a career in Telecoms.

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