The reasons Mobile Generations are long and difficult.

In this video series, we’ve been talking about Open Telecoms Projects.

In the previous video, I asked why Mobile generations are so long, why they’re a forklift upgrade, and why they require new spectrum.

Reasons mobile technology generations are 10 years long

I asked you, my #telecomtribe, to suggest your own ideas. You still can, in the comments.

I’m sure there are many reasons. Here are 3.

👉Cultural Inertia/comfort zone.

👉Cost recovery & depreciation. Telecom vendors invest tons in R&D, and in manufacturing. They need time to recoup that investment. Maybe 10 years. Operators also need time to earn back their costs to buy and support the kit.

👉Infrastructural. Upgrading any infrastructure is a long, difficult process. Consider the construction of roads, airports, sewers, electricity distribution, plumbing. #Telecoms #Networks are another form of infrastructure.

Maybe it’s simple muscle memory. It’s been this way so long we can no longer imagine things being any different.

What do you think? What are your reasons?

In the next video, we’ll consider an example which is different. Better, even. Relevant.

👉 #TelecomTribe: Follow me on LinkedIn, Russell Lundberg, for more updates, insights, tips, tricks, and tactics to love a career in Telecoms.

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